Tag Archives: blogging

Did You HEAR?! I’m Launching A Media Consulting Business!

Are you the owner of a business or in charge of your own brand? Do you sometimes find it overwhelming scheduling gigs, booking clients, sorting out finances — and top of it all, trying to figure out how to market yourself to the public? 

Why not enlist my services to help clear your plate so you can focus on YOU?!

Email me at: jocdrawhorn@gmail.com to inquire about rates and services!
#NextUp #MediaConsulting #PR #Marketing

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Filed under Joc's Observations

Learn to Let Go of The Past

“The only reason it’s hard to “let go” is because we believe the lie that we “need” them. Stop believing that lie….Stop trying to saw ‘sawdust’. Once something is in your past, stop trying to re-open doors God has closed. Some places God is taking you will arrive alone, but not lonely. He is always with you.” – Quentin McCall

Most of you know that I am an avid follower of Quentin McCall. The way he ties in real life application with what the Bible says is uncanny — you can’t help but love it! I know he’s probably been through the storm because the depth and truth that comes from his ‘advice/posts’ hits right at the heart of whatever matter you’re going through relationship wise. If he’s just saying what sounds good….then shoot, he’s doing a good job of keeping up appearances! haha

Tonight he posted the above few quotes and it’s wild how that content ties into the post of CLOSURE that I made earlier today. (well look at God). If you’ve ever dealt with a relationship…saved or not….we’ve all experienced a time in where we just wanted to take a peek into our past to make sure we made the right decision or if that person had changed enough to give the relationship another try. COME ON! ADMIT IT! I’ll be the first to say I have before. That was like the story of my college years. You know that boo you had back in the day or the guy you dated freshman year but reconnected by the time graduation rolled around. YEP, been there done that. Deep down inside you know it’s a waste of time, but you’re single…they’re single…no use in being ‘lonely’ right? So why not.

Thinking on it, I wish I hadn’t. haha BUT hey, what are you gonna do?! — continue to do better, that’s what.

Through years of personal experience and maturation, I’ve come to realize that relationship wise, if it didn’t work 3 years ago, it’s not going to work now. There is always a reason why you breakup with someone in the first place. Very rarely does anything change. Now if it’s like 20 years later that you both meet up and you’re both single, I’ll give you a little rope on that. People actually DO have the ability to change (I feel) over a LARGE period of time. But if you’re talking 1-10 years then NAW…you can keep that relationship behind you boo.

It boggles my mind (now) when friends around my age get caught up in old ‘college routine’ and recycle girlfriends/boyfriends because they’re lonely or meet up and feel like there still may be something there.

If you are now an avid bible reader, regular church goer, stopped drinking, stopped doing drugs and all that jazz — why on God’s green earth would you think it would be worth it to hook back up with your ex (who still does the same stuff). NEGATIVE.

If a girl/guy cheated on you back in high school/college because they were “stupid & not ready to settle”, but miraculously were ready to try again like 5 months later….NEGATIVE run the other way quickly. While people CAN change virtually overnight, it usually involves some traumatic experience or an act of God. Either way, it’s best to stay by yourself and walk the other way.

So Quentin…I feel you on this one my dear! Keep giving the knowledge to the people!

– Joc

WANT TO CATCH UP on the past I made earlier today??  

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Filed under Quotes To Live By, Society and Such